presenting the newest formula that steps one step deeper. Hyaskin Anti-Aging AM/PM Eye Pack has been designed to target this often tough to treat area that show’s signs of aging and its deficiencies. Majority of us are concerned with wrinkles, bags, puffiness and uneven tone under our eyes thus this is just the right solution to all our needs.
We came to a decision to use a very popular ingredient but in its most supreme quantity. Before we go any further, let’s quickly recap what is Hyaluronic acid which is one the main active ingredient along with many others in this outstanding formula.
Basic benefits of this magical and vital component in our skin is widely spread. Hyaluronic acid is not an “acid” but a salt with a neutral pH. Frequently described as “nature’s moisturizer”. It is a natural compound found in skin that has many important functions, including holding in moisture, providing cushioning, aiding in tissue repair, holding together the skin structural components collagen and elastin, and helping create a protective barrier against microorganisms.
This naturally occurring protein is an important component of skin produced by fibroblast skin cells, which decreases as you age. Skin starts losing hyaluronic acid as early as age 18, but wrinkles and other skin damage from hyaluronic acid loss don’t generally show up until the late 30s or early 40s. Preserving or regaining hyaluronic acid is our goal that can help us keep skin supple and youthful-looking.
As mentioned earlier, Hyaskin Anti-Aging AM/PM Eye Pack steps one step deeper by partnering with the ingredient developer to produce a super fine enriched form of hyaluronic. We refer to it as 50kd because the molecules are tiny compared to the regular ingredients in the marketplace. At the 50kd level the Hyaluronic can penetrate much deeper into the skin and deliver fantastic hydration 1000 times beyond its own weight. This innovative formula ingredients provide an instant eye repair treatment with the AM Serum and PM Moisturizer to both work synergically to energize and restore the eye area.